Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Mission Act 1:8 ~ Day 6

Yesterday, Monday February 6, 2013, I took to the streets of Hayfields once again to distribute more Gospel tracts calling men to repentance toward God and their faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ, alone.
The first person that was brought across this pilgrim’s path was a 21 year-old named Gareth from Pretoria, Gauteng Province who had come done for the Unlimited Duzi Canoe marathon and was now picking up his washing machine that had been repaired at The Haymarket shopping centre. I handed him a Gospel tract and asked Gareth: “Do you know what happens to a person once they die?” He related that he had just lost his mother in June 2012 and had been thinking about it a lot, even reading the Bible and asking questions. We had not even gotten into the conversation and he was already extending his hand thanking me. I too shared with him that my mother had also passed away on February 29, 2012 and so I can relate to the pain he is suffering. From there I shared the Gospel with Gareth who was humble and accepting the Words of Truth! He was extremely open to the Gospel, and examined himself, so please pray for Gareth and his salvation. God is so gracious and merciful that He brings people across one’s path to minister to their hurting needs and to point them to His Son, our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!
After travelling the streets on foot depositing tracts in post boxes, handing to various persons walking the streets, sitting in their cars or removing garbage, I returned to The Haymarket shopping centre to hand out tracts and proclaim Christ Jesus in short conversations with mainly staff members on their lunch break. Business was quiet at this time. Another day that is worthy of all praise and glory to God Almighty alone!
Please also check out the photograph journal by clicking the photo hereunder and do join us in praying for the souls reached that they will come to repentance and faith in our great God Jesus Christ the Righteous. Day 6 ~ February 18, 2013 (Photos 87-94)
Mission Act 1.8 Statistics

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