Day 27 ~ Saturday March 30, spent today handing out some Gospel tracts at some complexes whilst walking along College Road in Pelham on my way to stand outside the “Centenary Gates” at Maritzburg College High School, who were hosting their 150th Winter Sports Festival for Rugby and Hockey, which is part of the school’s celebration in their 150th year (1863-2013).
Stood at the main gate that all persons – staff, parents, scholars, players and officials had to pass through and was able to hand out many, many “Are You Ready?” Gospel tracts and raise my voice in proclaiming our Lord Jesus Christ on this “Passover weekend”! With security and staff present, our Great God opened the door to share His Son unhindered. A lady parent passing by also commended the preaching and had said that the ministry at the school “Youth for Christ at College” had had 35 boys commit to Christ! About three years ago, I had the opportunity of teaching “The Way of the Master” course in the evenings for some boys on the school premises. We do pray that the fruits of repentance will manifest and that many more College boys will come to faith through Biblical Evangelism!

Day 28 ~ Friday April 5, brother Aziz and I together with my grandson Cee-Jay headed out into the Bombay Heights suburb. Was able to stand outside a carwash and preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified to the washing staff and patrons awaiting their cars to be washed.
We also went to Northdale Hospital as I had heard that a man my son knows had attempted suicide by an overdose of tablets and also tried to gas himself. Despite our checking various wards we were directed all over the hospital and then we were told the man “Joe” was discharged. All information was conflicting, but what materialised was that God our Father opened many other doors that allowed us to minister to patients even praying for them to receive Spiritual healing (medicine). Many Gospel tracts were handed out to patients and medical staff. I also ministered extensively to a very frail young man named Zwane who heard the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. He was unable to speak, but I asked him to blink his eyes if he understood what I was saying. That is how he communicated with me and he said through his blinking in response to my questioning that he has “repented” and heard the Gospel. Please keep Zwane in prayer for a miracle. On our way out our Father allowed me to preach in a corridor where the acoustics carried my voice between 100-200 meters. Many tracts were handed out as we shared the stories of Jesus Christ healing many people, including the woman with the issue of blood 12-years, and the blind and lame men that Christ healed and them with diverse diseases. Spiritual medicine came to Northdale Hospital. We were even asked at one point to lower our voices, but were never told to stop. Hallelujah, Praise God many sick and sinful people were pointed to our Lord Jesus Christ.
On our way out we were also able to preach at the outpatients’ waiting room and many heard the Truth proclaimed. At one point a Hindu man challenged the preaching of Christ alone saying he is a universalist who has a god who is not a selfish god. The Hindu man said the God of Christianity is a selfish God! He also started making allegations that “our God” allows incest in reference to me preaching that only eight souls were saved when God brought judgment upon the earth with a flood – Noah, his wife, his three sons and their three wives. Well he was shown from the Holy Scriptures that God forbids incest as I started reading from Leviticus 18:1 through 11 when he stopped me saying he gets it. Whilst going off on another tangent and saying that he doesn’t want to follow a selfish God, he walked away as I followed him reading from Exodus 20:4-6 dealing with idolatry and that the One and Only True God is a JEALOUS God! He also turned and said he does not hate God (in reference to verse 5), but he hates me! He then turned and left through a door leading into the hospital. We pray that his conscience will bear witness against him and that he will have repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ (see Acts 20:21). It was yet another wonderful day worshipping and glorifying our great God!
Day 29 ~ Saturday April 6, brother Aziz and I headed out into the Raisethorpe area and on our cross-walking putting Gospel tracts in post-boxes I was invited into an Indian lady’s home who thought I was selling the cross! Her name is Jane and I found out that Jane had “converted from being a staunch Hindu of 56 years and came to know the True God of Christianity through the death of her son Sasha!” However there were still some things that needed to be addressed – like the idols in her daughter’s home that she shares with her Hindu daughter. From the Holy Scriptures of the Bible a teaching lesson commenced pointing out to this “baby Christian” that idols must go, and setting up “an altar” in remembrance of her deceased son is not what Scripture teaches nor Christ requires from His followers. The practice of lighting a candle in remembrance of her son was also addressed as it has Roman Catholic traits. It was a good time spent teaching Kate from the Scriptures as we dealt with her relationships with her Hindu family members and her Islamic son-in-law. Kate was encouraged to stand for the Truth of our Lord Jesus Christ and not compromise for the faiths or belief systems of her family members. We do pray and thank God for this time of correction and teaching that only our Father could have orchestrated and we pray that Kate will grow by the teachings received and that her family will come to faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the ONLY True God!
Please also check out the photograph journal by clicking the photo hereunder and do join us in praying for the souls reached that they will come to repentance and faith in our great God Jesus Christ the Righteous. Day 27 ~ March 30, 2013 (Photos 364-368), PSL : Maritzburg United vs. Chippa United ~ March 31, 2013 (Photos 369-377), Day 28 ~ April 5, 2013 (Photos 378-390) and Day 29 ~ April 6, 2013 (Photos 391-402)
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