Day 24 ~ Wednesday March 27, brother Aziz and I tracted Bombay Heights in Northdale and we encountered much wickedness with Hindus worshipping idol gods. Later back in the greater town centre in Scottsville, I also read from Isaiah 53:1-6 and preached at the gate of the Scottsville Gardens Pre-Primary School to the parents awaiting the collecting of their children which included some Hindus and Muslims. Please pray for all who heard the Way of Salvation!
Later in the evening, went out alone to the Scottsville Mall entrance to hand out tracts and preach Christ Jesus. Had a conversation with a couple named Lionel and Jacqueline. They are looking for a church to attend! We will pray and see what God does with this request. They have also become disillusioned with man-made church!

In the early evening, my wife Tammy and Cee-Jay joined me at the Scottsville Mall entrance to hand out Gospel tracts as the Gospel of Jesus Christ was shared with a crowd who had gathered after I used the slight-of-hand “red-light-thumbs” to draw a crowd. Had a conversation also with a car-guard named Sibusiso (“Blessing”) – I implored him to get right with God as he said he had believed before, but he has a drinking habit now!
Day 26 ~ Friday March 29, headed out today to cross-walk some roads in Pelham with my wife Tammy and Cee-Jay. They were up ahead of me resting as I had taken to another part of Christie Road when I had a situation where a dog came through a fence and the owner kept saying a ‘command-word’ that had the dog barking and lunging at me. Rebuking the dog kept him at bay three times, then I rebuked the owner calling out: “Stop setting your dog on me you pagan!” No response from him as our gracious God delivered me safely from that situation.
Please also check out the photograph journal by clicking the photo hereunder and do join us in praying for the souls reached that they will come to repentance and faith in our great God Jesus Christ the Righteous. Scottsville Mall Night Preaching on March 22, 2013 (Photos 302-325), Day 24 ~ March 27, 2013 (Photos 326-330), Day 25 ~ March 28, 2013 (Photos 331-357) and Day 26 ~ March 29, 2013 (Photos 358-363)
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