Friday, 22 March 2013

Mission Act 1:8 ~ Days 22 and 23

DSCF2024 Sthu and SimphiweDay 22 ~ Today, Thursday March 21, was Human Rights Day – a public holiday! It afforded me an opportunity to place Gospel tracts in the post boxes in the Pelham suburb in which my family and I now stay. On the cross-walking journey I met Sthu and Simphiwe who both attend the Methodist Church. However, going through the Holy Law of God, they found that they are living in transgression of God’s Ten Commandments. They also agreed that the Gospel that John and Charles Wesley preached as founders of Methodism is not the watered-down gospel that is being shared in the church today. Please pray for true repentance and that they will live trusting in Jesus Christ alone for their salvation.
The area appealed to through tract distribution has many, many blocks of flats and complexes that resulted in 782 places being reached with the Word. We do pray that souls will be touched by God and drawn to Him for His glory!
I also came across a Mormon building – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – which has been rightfully corrected and labelled Heretic Church!
Later this evening, I raised my voice in the parking area and preached to the people living in the 38 other flats in the complex I live in! The Gospel has been preached and if they have ears to hear, let them hear and examine themselves in respect of what the Word of God says about sin, righteousness and judgment to come in light of eternity! You can listen to the audio at this link.
Day 23 ~ On March 22, shared the Gospel extensively with Spumelo (?) who works at a car wash in the Pelham suburb and his work colleagues who sat around also got to hear the Way to salvation. Please pray for them all, our Father knows who they are.
Please also check out the photograph journal by clicking the photo hereunder and do join us in praying for the souls reached that they will come to repentance and faith in our great God Jesus Christ the Righteous. Day 22 ~ March 21, 2013 (Photos 283-295) and Day 23 ~ March 22, 2013 (Photos 296-301)
Mission Act 1.8 Statistics 23

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