Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Mission Act 1:8 ~ Debi Market and Day 16

On Saturday March 9, 2013, brother Aziz and I headed out to an Indian market named Debi Market in Northdale. This is in the Indian district where brother Aziz ran ‘wild’ in the days before his salvation. And it was upon these very streets that he gave a testimony of Jesus Christ’s saving grace and many of his old cronies got to see and hear his witness – a Muslim who came to faith in Jesus Christ! Praise God!
Earlier I shared the Gospel with an Indian couple who are dating named Romano and Deveshni – who attend a church, but Romano admits that he attends, but is backslidden! We do hope and pray for true repentance and faith for them both. Later, I preached open-air our Lord Jesus Christ and Him crucified and there were many, many Muslims, Hindus and Christians that heard the living Word at the market. Many tracts were handed out and they all heard that salvation is ONLY by our Lord Jesus Christ. They also heard that no man-prophet could walk upon water!
Brother Aziz’s old friend from their gang-running days, a Muslim named Hassan Shaik, heard the complete Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ whilst he was sitting on the steps of a local betting house in the Debi Market complex. Afterwards Hassan did speak to us – even bringing me a bottle of coca-cola while I preached – and shared that he had read a Gideon’s Bible he took from his sister when he was younger and secretly read it in his Muslim parent’s home, and he said what was preached he remembers from those days! He wants his life to be changed, and we did tell him that by faith he should repent towards God for this was not by chance that he heard the Gospel this day. He has my cell number if he requires to speak about godly issues – the call is his!
Today, March 12, was Day 16 of our Mission Act 1:8 – I went to brother Aziz’s home in Bombay Heights in the Northdale suburb. It is time to be sharing the Gospel in a predominantly Hindu and Muslim geographic area in Pietermaritzburg. We might not be able to afford going to India, Pakistan or Nepal to take the Good News of Salvation to them, but we have our very own India right here on our doorstep – where there is much wickedness prevailing with their idolatry. It is rife here in this city! Hopefully you will see many more photographs bearing testimony of our preaching Truth in a very dark and evil part of this KwaZulu-Natal capital city! Please keep us in prayer as we reach out to lost souls pleading with men, women and children to bow the knee to our Lord Jesus Christ – alone!!
Please also check out the photograph journal by clicking the photo hereunder and do join us in praying for the souls reached that they will come to repentance and faith in our great God Jesus Christ the Righteous. Debi Market ~ March 9, 2013 (Photos 199-210) and Day 16 ~ March 12, 2013 (Photos 211-215)
Mission Act 1.8 Statistics 16

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