Wednesday May 6, 2015, Marius joined Gary for further distribution of Gospel literature in the Scottsville area, trusting our Father in Heaven to order our steps and lead us as He will.
Today was a much cooler day with lots of cloud cover. Our prayers always before we step out is that our Great GOD and Father will lead us where He wants us to go, and we are comforted knowing that our GOD will be faithful for His glory alone and the very people He want us to meet will be found on the way.
23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. ~ Psalm 37:23
Today was no different. There would also be some weird sights and sites along the way. On Birkett Road barely fifteen minutes in
we came across this sign – <<< a weird sight – many a true word spoken in jest! But judging from the picture one can make a conclusion that the owner of this sign is not being too “neighbourly” – well to answer the question, Gospel literature would be found in their post-box explaining eternal life in the Kingdom of God and eternal damnation in Hell.

On Leinster Road we came across the Garden of Remembrance where the Delville Wood Cross – that weeps resin – can be found. [Battle of Delville Wood] It states that the venue is open daily between 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. and
the notice board reads:

However the gate was chained and locked! Another weird sight! >>>
Across the road from the Garden of Remembrance is a Roman Catholic seminary Emaphethelweni Dominican House – a weird site – and at the time of passing by standing outside smoking her cigarette was a “good” Roman Catholic coloured lady named Jacky. Gary approached her and entered into a conversation with her. Gary shared some of the conflicting teachings of the RCC that are heresy contained in their man-inspired Catechism when compared to the plumb-line of God’s Holy Word. Jacky kept trying to get out of the conversation wanting to refer Gary to a RCC theological priest. The Light of the Word kept showing her the error of her ways holding to the “Mother Church” and not wanting to leave it and that she should not address the priests as “Father” in a spiritual sense, not as one who addresses one’s male parent, for we read:
9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. ~ Matthew 23:9
Jacky had to go back to work as a receptionist, but she heard the Truth and has Gospel literature to read.
On the corner of Leinster Road and Alan Paton Avenue we came across municipal workers planting vegetables (!) on a traffic island and painting the road surface markings. A lengthy discussion commenced with Wonderboy dealing with the age old “rabbit-trails” of the African tradition of speaking to the ancestors who look after the African-man with what he has (possessions) in this lifetime, the Bible was written by men, etc. And yet, he still thinks he will end up in Heaven, because GOD will not punish His children in Hell. Wonderboy was corrected by presenting the Law of GOD to him showing his plight come Judgment Day and therefore he needs to Repent of his sins and receive Christ Jesus by faith to escape GOD’s wrath. GOD will not punish His children with Hell, He only punishes His enemies with fire! Marius distributed much Gospel literature to the other municipal workers, too!
On our way back to where we parked the vehicle we had to pass a porn video shop “Blue Moves” – whilst we guarded ourselves by not going in, Gary stuck Gospel literature under a partition on a counter within an arm’s length from the door before a second closed door!
Please pray for every soul that received the Gospel in word or written material and that GOD will draw repentant hearts to Himself and save their souls!
Please also pray for Brother Marius who despite having metal pins in his back and him experiencing great discomfort and pain in his legs, he faithfully comes out to reach the lost for his Saviour Jesus Christ.
Saints, we do also covert your fervent prayers that we will remain faithful to the end as we too are experiencing great trials and attacks against us from the wicked one and his devils who hates our LORD, who hates us and who hates the work that we are doing for our Lord and Great King Jesus Christ! We also do pray and request that you support this ministry by your prayers, by interceding on our behalf before our Great High Priest Jesus, by providing us with solid Gospel literature for distribution as you partner with us for lost souls, and any love offerings should our LORD lay it upon your hearts. We are truly thankful to our Great GOD – Who is LORD of lords, KING of kings and GOD above all gods for His provision and blessings!
The day’s route was: Birkett – Hardy – Birkett – Leinster – Alan Paton – Coronation – Connaught – Leinster – Hardy – St Patricks – Lindup.

Soli Deo Gloria!
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