Friday, 29 March 2013

Mission Act 1:8 ~ Days 24, 25 and 26

Day 24 ~ Wednesday March 27, brother Aziz and I tracted Bombay Heights in Northdale and we encountered much wickedness with Hindus worshipping idol gods. Later back in the greater town centre in Scottsville, I also read from Isaiah 53:1-6 and preached at the gate of the Scottsville Gardens Pre-Primary School to the parents awaiting the collecting of their children which included some Hindus and Muslims. Please pray for all who heard the Way of Salvation!
Later in the evening, went out alone to the Scottsville Mall entrance to hand out tracts and preach Christ Jesus. Had a conversation with a couple named Lionel and Jacqueline. They are looking for a church to attend! We will pray and see what God does with this request. They have also become disillusioned with man-made church!
DSCF2131Day 25 ~ Thursday March 28, brother Aziz and I went and completed the roads on the outskirts of Pietermaritzburg in the Raisethorpe area. It was also the closing of the schools today for the ‘Easter-holidays’ and this afforded us an opportunity to engage some children on the streets which included three young men named Sphamandla, Bruce and Nkosingiphile. Please keep them in prayer for true repentance and faith – they were surely challenged! Whilst we spoke to these three men it also allowed us to wait until 10am when the Northbury Secondary School closed and standing on the tailgate of the Ford ‘Seed-sower’, using it as a pulpit, I preached Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Small groups of children gathered round to listen to the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and the neighbouring houses across the road with their Hindu flags got to hear that their idols cannot save anyone! Please pray for the souls who heard the Truth that God would save them.
In the early evening, my wife Tammy and Cee-Jay joined me at the Scottsville Mall entrance to hand out Gospel tracts as the Gospel of Jesus Christ was shared with a crowd who had gathered after I used the slight-of-hand “red-light-thumbs” to draw a crowd. Had a conversation also with a car-guard named Sibusiso (“Blessing”) – I implored him to get right with God as he said he had believed before, but he has a drinking habit now!
Day 26 ~ Friday March 29, headed out today to cross-walk some roads in Pelham with my wife Tammy and Cee-Jay. They were up ahead of me resting as I had taken to another part of Christie Road when I had a situation where a dog came through a fence and the owner kept saying a ‘command-word’ that had the dog barking and lunging at me. Rebuking the dog kept him at bay three times, then I rebuked the owner calling out: “Stop setting your dog on me you pagan!” No response from him as our gracious God delivered me safely from that situation.
Please also check out the photograph journal by clicking the photo hereunder and do join us in praying for the souls reached that they will come to repentance and faith in our great God Jesus Christ the Righteous. Scottsville Mall Night Preaching on March 22, 2013 (Photos 302-325), Day 24 ~ March 27, 2013 (Photos 326-330), Day 25 ~ March 28, 2013 (Photos 331-357) and Day 26 ~ March 29, 2013 (Photos 358-363)
Mission Act 1.8 Statistics 26

Friday, 22 March 2013

Mission Act 1:8 ~ Days 22 and 23

DSCF2024 Sthu and SimphiweDay 22 ~ Today, Thursday March 21, was Human Rights Day – a public holiday! It afforded me an opportunity to place Gospel tracts in the post boxes in the Pelham suburb in which my family and I now stay. On the cross-walking journey I met Sthu and Simphiwe who both attend the Methodist Church. However, going through the Holy Law of God, they found that they are living in transgression of God’s Ten Commandments. They also agreed that the Gospel that John and Charles Wesley preached as founders of Methodism is not the watered-down gospel that is being shared in the church today. Please pray for true repentance and that they will live trusting in Jesus Christ alone for their salvation.
The area appealed to through tract distribution has many, many blocks of flats and complexes that resulted in 782 places being reached with the Word. We do pray that souls will be touched by God and drawn to Him for His glory!
I also came across a Mormon building – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – which has been rightfully corrected and labelled Heretic Church!
Later this evening, I raised my voice in the parking area and preached to the people living in the 38 other flats in the complex I live in! The Gospel has been preached and if they have ears to hear, let them hear and examine themselves in respect of what the Word of God says about sin, righteousness and judgment to come in light of eternity! You can listen to the audio at this link.
Day 23 ~ On March 22, shared the Gospel extensively with Spumelo (?) who works at a car wash in the Pelham suburb and his work colleagues who sat around also got to hear the Way to salvation. Please pray for them all, our Father knows who they are.
Please also check out the photograph journal by clicking the photo hereunder and do join us in praying for the souls reached that they will come to repentance and faith in our great God Jesus Christ the Righteous. Day 22 ~ March 21, 2013 (Photos 283-295) and Day 23 ~ March 22, 2013 (Photos 296-301)
Mission Act 1.8 Statistics 23

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Mission Act 1:8 ~ Day 21

DSCF2017Today on our cross-walking time there were many steep hills that we had to negotiate, and by God’s grace we accomplished much. In the perfect timing of our Lord God Almighty, He ordered our steps according to His will and purpose and we arrived outside the Silver Heights Secondary School at 11H30 with an expectation to preach. God provided the opportunity as we first preached outside the main gate to a growing crowd of students. After sharing the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, preaching Him crucified, we moved further down the school property’s fence and came to another group of students who prompted us to preach. This was gladly done to the glory of God our Father and an even bigger new crowd gathered along the fence as we concluded with two preach sessions in half an hour. Today the Good News of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ alone was shared and although many were boisterous in their chants of
DSCF2019“Yes we are ready”, many were silenced and started examining themselves against what God’s Word has to say. We also exhorted the students to look to Jesus Christ and not to be duped by the false ‘Easter’ celebration of bunnies and chocolate easter eggs! As we were ending the preach session the bell sounded for classes to commence! Perfect timing, as we continued on our way after brother Aziz had handed out about 200 Gospel tracts while I raised my voice and preached Christ Jesus. All praise and glory to God!
Please also check out the photograph journal by clicking the photo hereunder and do join us in praying for the souls reached that they will come to repentance and faith in our great God Jesus Christ the Righteous. Day 21 ~ March 20, 2013 (Photos 274-282)
Mission Act 1.8 Statistics 21

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Mission Act 1:8 ~ Debi Market and Day 20

Debi Market ~ Saturday March 16, brothers Aziz, Lungisa and I had many conversations as we were led of the Holy Spirit and ministered into peoples’ lives. Please pray for Krishna Munisamy (62) who is a Hindu and who acknowledged that he called his parents “gods”. He had the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ shared with him calling him to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ alone. Please pray also for an African man named Leonard who understood the Good News shared with him and that he also had explained to him in great depth that ancestral worship is an abomination to God Almighty. We shared extensively from Deuteronomy 18:9-14 as read with 1 Timothy 2:5. He realised that he is living in sin against God and that he must repent and receive Jesus Christ as his Saviour and trust in Him alone for his salvation. Leonard even said that he will go and buy himself a King James Bible to read and study. This man would appear not far from the Kingdom of God.
DSCF2005There were many other conversations that our brothers Lungisa and Aziz engaged in ministering to people in this open area and the Word of God was also preached in boldness.
We also share herewith a text message (sms) that was received by me on my cellular phone on Friday March 15, 2013 at 13:51, which reads as follows, unaltered, quote:
Please pray for “Paul” for healing and God’s grace and mercy.
Day 20 ~ Tuesday March 19, we took to Bombay Heights in Northdale today and had an opportunity to engage a 61 year old Hindu man named Manor who was walking home from the shops at 10am. We got speaking to Manor about sin, judgment and the righteousness of Jesus Christ and he heard precisely what is required of him and that trying to live a good-life will not cut it for him on Judgment Day. Please pray that he will examine the Way of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ alone! Later we came across a man named Ajith who was about to enter a Hari Krishna temple. In our brief conversation we told him that saying a mantra of “Hari, Hari, Hari Krishna, Hari Krishna, …” and beating drums will not help him when he stands in Judgment by God Almighty and he is seen in all his sin. We shared the Gospel with him and called him and two other persons standing near the gate on a hill to repent and believe upon Jesus Christ alone!
DSCF2014aThere were also much devilish shrines to statue Hindu gods on our cross-carrying walk today and we also encountered some homes that had devilish faces on the gates. These are really abominable and ghoulish in appearance!
Please also check out the photograph journal by clicking the photo hereunder and do join us in praying for the souls reached that they will come to repentance and faith in our great God Jesus Christ the Righteous. Debi Market ~ March 16, 2013 (Photos 259-265) and Day 20 ~ March 19, 2013 (Photos 266-273)
Mission Act 1.8 Statistics 20

Friday, 15 March 2013

Mission Act 1:8 ~ Days 17, 18 and 19

Day 17 ~ Wednesday March 13, on starting our journey to place Gospel tracts in as many peoples’ homes and hands as possible, it commenced with us being approached by two SAPS police officials on scrambler motorbikes who enquired of our reason for carrying the cross and being on the streets. It allowed us to share the Gospel briefly, but precisely with Sergeant Ramnath and Constable Nchunu. The Sergeant told me that his wife is a Christian and he is still a Hindu. I shared with this law enforcement officer that someday he will stand before the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ and although he enforces the law here in this land he will be judged by God for transgressing God’s Law which includes his violation of the Second Commandment (I had touched on some of the Ten Commandments) which forbids idolatry, of which he is still engaging in by lighting the lamp and trusting in idol figures. He listened and shook his head in acknowledgment. I also shared Psalm 115:3-8 with him before he said they had to leave as they had another call to attend to. Please pray for this man’s salvation as it could be an answer to prayer from his wife!
While placing the Word of God in post boxes we came across a 25 year-old Indian man named Keegan hanging out with his 16 year old friend listening to some music on his cellular phone. I got into a conversation with him easily referring to the music youngsters listen to and he professed to be a Christian. However, whilst going through the Law of God, one could see his mind was working overtime and he was agreeing with the righteous standards required of us as believers. Shortly, he pointed out to me that a coloured man had drawn up with his motor vehicle who wanted to speak to me. To put this conversation in context – just yesterday brother Aziz and I had been opposite the school Kharina High School where we were now standing, but around the corner in Khan Road, and had said we hoped to be able to get into this school and preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified. We had earlier this morning prayed for God to give us divine appointments and to order our steps. Well that is what our Father God did by His grace by allowing me to have the conversation with Keegan until this man named Harold would arrive on Regina Road. Harold volunteered information to me as we spoke and he told me that he is the Chairman of the Parents’ Governing Body at the Kharina High School and he attends the Mountainrise Methodist Church. He told me to contact a Christian lady who is a counsellor at the school named Cynthia Govender to make arrangements to come and preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. After that we parted ways with a hope to getting into this school ‘someday’!
Later, as we placed tracts in post boxes, there are many houses off the main road down short lanes hidden away behind the road facing homes, whilst walking up one such lane we heard the rejoicing voice of a woman saying, along the lines of: “Are you ready? Oh yes, I am ready, ready to see my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!” It was refreshing to meet sister Neela and young Abigail and also her son Joash. Sister Neela invited us in to her home and we spent some time in sweet fellowship encouraging one another, when she asked us to pray for her safety in this community as there is much wickedness that prevails there with songomas (witch-doctors). We spent time in prayer and encouraged her to be a witness for Christ to her neighbours. Neela has come out of a Hindu upbringing and attends at the Assembly of God Church. Her family has come to faith in Jesus Christ and brother Aziz knows her from times past when Neela had converted to Christianity and had stayed in the same circular road as brother Aziz whilst they were still Muslims in those days. In fact Aziz’s sister used to laugh at Neela, but years later she too believed upon Christ! How our Great God orchestrates all things, saving and giving a witness to all for His Glory alone!
We continued down some side roads, meeting Richard a mechanic who said he would like to continue the conversation some time, and then started back along Regina Road. As we neared the Kharina High School we saw some pupils calling out to us carrying the cross. They were a long way from us so we called a male pupil down to us and handed him a small bundle of tracts for him to hand to the other scholars that were with him. As we approached the entrance the Holy Spirit prompted me to go in and enquire about having a preaching meeting in this school. The timing was precise, as we found brother Harold with the principal (a Hindu) and we met Cynthia and the secretary, also a Christian named Chantal. We had a meeting with Harold, Cynthia and Chantal and we were advised that Cynthia will take this proposal forward to obtain permission for us to do so! We also shared the Gospel and we found out that Cynthia’s husband is a pastor and that she too preaches! I shared that women cannot be preachers, especially in the pulpit as Scripture confirms who can be ‘pastors’ with reference to 1 Timothy 2:9-15 as read with the qualifications of ordained qualified elders (Titus 1:5-9) and bishops (1 Timothy 3:1-7) emphasising on “the husband of one wife.” It was at this point that we were told that she does not agree with me on this issue, however I reiterated that we cannot discount and disagree with what the Bible, God’s Word, tells us irrespective of what we personally believe! The conversation ended as Cynthia had to attend a class and if this was the only reason for visiting the school, all Glory to God. And if God wills we should preach to some students at this school, we will have a day and time given to us! Please pray for an open door!
With our various meetings today we did not complete the roads in Northdale that we had planned to walk. However, God ordered our steps perfectly! Hallelujah!!
Day 18 ~ Thursday March 14, we took on a huge round trip that had many hills along the way, but all the homes were given a Gospel tract. We had to correct a Hindu woman who was praying to her idols in her front garden and when she said she also prays to ‘Jesus’ I had to rebuke her for blasphemy and for praying to the ‘wrong jesus’ for the Jesus Christ of the Bible hates idolatry and will send idolaters to hell and to the lake of fire. This rebuke had her leave us and go indoors. Our rebuke is in love to save her by plucking her out of the fire.
We found ourselves at a cul-de-sac at the end of Vinca Place that overlooked a community of houses in a valley around Pastoral Road. Prompted by the Holy Spirit I raised my voice and preached the Holiness of God’s Law and Jesus Christ and Him crucified. By God’s grace one could hear my voice rebounding off the hillside across the valley that held the preaching in this amphitheatre as we noted people coming out of their homes to see who was speaking to them. Many stood at a distance looking up, listening which is all glory to God! So many homes were visited by the raising of my voice preaching to them from a distance. Later we found ourselves on the very streets over which was preached the Good News and we asked some in the valley and they said they had heard the message clearly. Praise God alone!
We also met some brethren along the way – one particular man, an evangelist named Roland who ministers down in Phoenix near Durban. We had spoken and met opposite the City Hall about a year or so ago and now met one another once again on Bombay Road. We hope to labour together down in Phoenix some time in the future, Lord willing!
Later on our way back up Springvale Road we passed Springhaven Primary School where first Aziz and then I engage a group of youngsters with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. They went away more educated than when we first met them. Please pray for the salvation of Sfundo, Jared, Mikayla, Chiara, Jaden and Ryan.
Day 19 ~ Friday March 15, we followed up on some roads we did not do yesterday branching off the lengthy ring-road we walked. Out on Butterfly Road we engaged an Indian lady named Manisha who was busy sweeping her cemented driveway area, who happened to be a Jehovah Witness who had come out of Hinduism. From one idolatrise religion to another cultic religion doesn’t seem to help her. We pleaded with her to repent and trust in the True Jesus Christ of the Holy Bible and not the lie of the NWT that she relies on. We reasoned with her from the Scriptures and we do believe God stopped her at various points from justifying her religious practices. She also said that to be born-again is a Roman Catholic practice. We had to correct her that the RCs do not believe in being born-again and that Jesus Christ says a person must be born-again to see the Kingdom of God (see John 3:3), which she said she is not born-again! Manisha has much to consider and we do pray that she will come to true repentance and faith believing in the one True God, our Lord Jesus Christ the Righteous and be born-again of God.
Today on many of the roads we walked there was much idolatry to be found with many, many altars to stone gods that Scripture speaks of:
Psalm 115:4 Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men’s hands.
Psalm 115:5 They have mouths, but they speak not: eyes have they, but they see not:
Psalm 115:6 They have ears, but they hear not: noses have they, but they smell not:
Psalm 115:7 They have hands, but they handle not: feet have they, but they walk not: neither speak they through their throat.
Psalm 115:8 They that make them are like unto them; so is every one that trusteth in them.
Aziz and I were in agreement that South Africa is in such a wicked and evil state due to the millions of idolatrise altars like those we saw today that are spread around the country. there is so much demonic activity taking place that is an abomination to our Great God!
Please also check out the photograph journal by clicking the photo hereunder and do join us in praying for the souls reached that they will come to repentance and faith in our great God Jesus Christ the Righteous. Day 17 ~ March 13, 2013 (Photos 216-227), Day 18 ~ March 14, 2013 (Photos 228-247) and Day 19 ~ March 15, 2013 (Photos 248-258)
Mission Act 1.8 Statistics 19

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Mission Act 1:8 ~ Debi Market and Day 16

On Saturday March 9, 2013, brother Aziz and I headed out to an Indian market named Debi Market in Northdale. This is in the Indian district where brother Aziz ran ‘wild’ in the days before his salvation. And it was upon these very streets that he gave a testimony of Jesus Christ’s saving grace and many of his old cronies got to see and hear his witness – a Muslim who came to faith in Jesus Christ! Praise God!
Earlier I shared the Gospel with an Indian couple who are dating named Romano and Deveshni – who attend a church, but Romano admits that he attends, but is backslidden! We do hope and pray for true repentance and faith for them both. Later, I preached open-air our Lord Jesus Christ and Him crucified and there were many, many Muslims, Hindus and Christians that heard the living Word at the market. Many tracts were handed out and they all heard that salvation is ONLY by our Lord Jesus Christ. They also heard that no man-prophet could walk upon water!
Brother Aziz’s old friend from their gang-running days, a Muslim named Hassan Shaik, heard the complete Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ whilst he was sitting on the steps of a local betting house in the Debi Market complex. Afterwards Hassan did speak to us – even bringing me a bottle of coca-cola while I preached – and shared that he had read a Gideon’s Bible he took from his sister when he was younger and secretly read it in his Muslim parent’s home, and he said what was preached he remembers from those days! He wants his life to be changed, and we did tell him that by faith he should repent towards God for this was not by chance that he heard the Gospel this day. He has my cell number if he requires to speak about godly issues – the call is his!
Today, March 12, was Day 16 of our Mission Act 1:8 – I went to brother Aziz’s home in Bombay Heights in the Northdale suburb. It is time to be sharing the Gospel in a predominantly Hindu and Muslim geographic area in Pietermaritzburg. We might not be able to afford going to India, Pakistan or Nepal to take the Good News of Salvation to them, but we have our very own India right here on our doorstep – where there is much wickedness prevailing with their idolatry. It is rife here in this city! Hopefully you will see many more photographs bearing testimony of our preaching Truth in a very dark and evil part of this KwaZulu-Natal capital city! Please keep us in prayer as we reach out to lost souls pleading with men, women and children to bow the knee to our Lord Jesus Christ – alone!!
Please also check out the photograph journal by clicking the photo hereunder and do join us in praying for the souls reached that they will come to repentance and faith in our great God Jesus Christ the Righteous. Debi Market ~ March 9, 2013 (Photos 199-210) and Day 16 ~ March 12, 2013 (Photos 211-215)
Mission Act 1.8 Statistics 16

Friday, 8 March 2013

Mission Act 1:8 ~ Days 14 and 15

On Thursday and today, Friday, brother Aziz and I had truly a blessed time in our Lord’s harvest. Brethren, in obedience “Go” and share your faith. You will not be disappointed. Almighty God is revealing the works of the enemy trying to come in and corrupt the True preaching of the Word! Be discerning brethren, and get out there and preach Jesus Christ to the glory of God the Father!
We had some great conversations, including encouragements, as we ministered to the persons our Lord brought across our path these last two days. These were appointed times lead of the Holy Spirit. We encountered Truman who was on his way to his job at Steers. Before even examining himself using the Ten Commandments he offered to us that he was headed for hell, but definitely said he will examine all things. We shared Grace with Truman and encouraged him to repent and believe upon our Lord Jesus Christ. We also pointed him to the Scriptures and asked him to read the Gospel of John as he has a Bible and that he needs to get alone with God in prayer. Truman also took three extra Gospel tracts to give to his three colleagues, he was to meet at work!
We passed Karabelo, a young Tech student who attends Grace Generation Church that meets in the Scottsville Primary School’s hall on Sundays. We encouraged her to continue sharing her faith with her friends at Tech, as she said she does!
Later while brother Aziz and I unwound at my home and watched a video dealing with “Freemasonry” I received a phone call from an Indian man named I. Beharie who had recently received an “Are You Ready?” Gospel tract in his post box in the suburb Hayfields. He told me that he wished to find out who had placed this message in his post box and was looking for a true copy of the Scriptures and whether I had a Bible for him. I discussed briefly that I do not at the moment, but would make arrangements to get him a King James Bible. He was satisfied with that, and I agreed to hand deliver it to him as he said he also has many questions to ask! Praise God that in obedience of dropping a tract off at Beharie’s residence in that the Lord ordered our steps, we were now receiving a request from him for God’s Word! He gave us his work address and the call was terminated!
Today, we started earlier than normal, but it would be according to God’s perfect timing! The conversations and events that unfolded today were truly God-orchestrated events. The Holy Spirit was clearly moving over us as we laboured for God’s Glory! We went out towards St John’s Diocesan School for Girls and St Charles’ College (for Boys) which also has a Tech College in between these “Romish Schools”. We were able to hand out some tracts and place them on the Tech College students’ motor vehicles’ windshields and hand them personally to some students. One such Tech student named Storm was found seated outside on the pavement awaiting a taxi. He wasn’t feeling well, so he was going home early. We managed to start sharing the Law of God with him and Storm was understanding his plight in view of eternity, when the taxi arrived. He did say he had attended Church some time ago, but now he did not, but he had been thinking of death recently and what happens to people when they die. He undertook to read the tract. Please pray for our Father to reveal Himself to Storm and bring him to repentance and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ!
Later on Blackburrow as we were walking on the road, the Scottsville Primary Schools’ mid-morning tea break started at that time (10am). The timing was perfect! Brother Aziz approached the school’s perimeter fence first to engage some boys by handing out Gospel tracts and asking them if they “Knew Jesus Christ.” I crossed the road to join him carrying the cross and by the time I arrived at the fence a sizable crowd of boys started assembling. We then proceeded to preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified starting with the Law and then moving to the Grace of God! Many questions were asked, and many of them were Christians and some were of other faiths. I was recognised by two of the boys, a white boy who recalled that I had given him a money tract some time ago and that I had a message on my car that reads: “±150000 PEOPLE WILL DIE TODAY” – this was a wonderful springboard using the catastrophes of today – a geography lesson, so to speak – to deal with the Law and Grace Gospel! And the second boy was Sphumelo (?) who said my name and then he said he knew me from where I used to work with his mother at a law firm. Later as the presentation was nearing the end some “messengers” were sent from the teacher on playground duty saying that the boys must come away from the fence from speaking to those “two strangers”. I did not expect what I heard next – two coloured boys said: “We are going no-where as we are hearing about Jesus!” They stood there ground as we could see some of the other boys weren’t sure what to do. Some more “emissaries” were sent our way and the response was the same, until the teacher herself came across to address us and the boys. Reluctantly they left, as we were told that the school is Christian, but we need to get permission to address the boys. I do know the headmaster Mr Bobby Nefdt and the school does have a “Christian ethos” so this is something worth looking into. On leaving, there was a young boy pleading that we come back at 1pm (their main lunch break)! We left and went down another road to put tracts in post boxes and then came back up to Blackburrow.
As we proceeded down the road running next to the school, some more children including a large group of girls gathered at the fence to see these “strangers carrying a cross”. They were hungry to hear the Word that two boys later came to the fence asking for more tracts as they had shown their teacher! Praise God!
A short while later at the bottom of the road we came across a group of six tow-truck operators sitting in one of their tow-trucks and handed out some tracts. We engaged the men in conversation and we soon learnt that they think hell is on earth and that they “worship a god of their own choosing.” Some don’t believe the Bible and even told us that we are blaspheming God by speaking on His behalf and “judging them.” Well, the conversation got really challenging and colourful when I called a Hindu man out for worshipping idols and calling the idol-vessels “God”. Before this, there were even some of them that wanted some prayer, but upon the Hindu man being reminded of his idolatry against the True and Living God, the filth that poured out of his heart via his mouth directed at me was really disgusting – the profanity was a sewer-pit-of-words!
Matthew 5:11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
Matthew 5:12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
Well at the time he had their request of prayer terminated as he was showing that there was an evil demon in him – even getting very threatening – something along the “hold-me-back, hold-me-back” attitude. This is what Satan the deceiver does, uses a lot of filthy hot air. Well, we were strengthened and assured of our Lord and nothing untoward happened as we thanked them for their time and left rejoicing! What a contrast our Lord was revealing to us – the kingdom of God is for those that are like children!
Matthew 19:14 But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
But we will pray that God will change these men’s wicked hearts.
On going back up the road we were greeted by a man named Clyde D. Langley who had stopped by the roadside to see what we were doing carrying a cross and to give us each a copy of a book titled “I Found Grace, Grace In Them Stones” which he had written. We spent about an hour with Clyde and we said we would test all that was written in it, to which he agreed – saying we shouldn’t discount anything, but enter into dialogue with him if we disagree with anything – in fact at page 7 he says, quote: “… my recommendation is that the reader read with an open mind, and not discard the book should they reach a point where it contradicts their beliefs, but to read through to the end, and then reach a conclusion.” This statement is unbiblical! On getting home the Holy Spirit had me page through the book and it was revealed that this book is of the SDA theology – yep, “Seventh-day Adventism” something Clyde failed to notify us about on the street. That would appear to be deception! Praise God for His Holy Spirit that reveals error, heresy and deception! By the Holy Spirit’s leading, on reading at page 149 in the Chapter XII titled “Is There Only One Truth?” there is a whole section of ‘quotes and glorifying’ of the false prophetess Ellen G. White and the SDA church. I must denounce this book as heresy for there are false teachings in there, too. I suppose that at page 10 where this following quote appears, it speaks volumes to all that will read this book or who agree with the SDA dogma, quote: “WHEN YOU ARE DECEIVED YOU DON’T KNOW YOU ARE DECEIVED BECAUSE YOU ARE DECEIVED”.
On leaving the man Clyde, we were able to also minister to Mr. Mchunu who is a grounds man at Scottsville Primary School, who was marking the football (soccer) fields for the upcoming season. I entered into dialogue with him when he said he doesn’t read the Bible because the Bible stories “change in the front, middle and back of the book!” It was a strange statement to being made by a man who says he goes to church. The long story short, the Holy Spirit did not allow me to leave the man until pressing him for answers he revealed that he and his family have been brought up through the generations in Roman Catholicism. It is understandable now why he does not understand the Bible and why he never wants to read it, because of the Romish papal system of ‘lack of feeding on the Word’ and not being born-again! At the end of our conversation, glory and praise to our Great God, Mr. Mchunu had understanding to his predicament even asking now “where is my church?” I advised him that I do not have a Church, but we were “having church” right where we were meeting. He doesn’t have to go into a stately building. I also advised him that born-again believers are known as the Church – the Body of Jesus Christ! But if he wants, he can meet me at my home for fellowship and worship or I can visit him! Please pray for Mr. Mchunu that he will be born-again by God’s Spirit and grace.
Also prior to investigating the book by Clyde, as mentioned earlier, we went and purchased a King James Bible and went and visited Beharie at his work. He was surprised to see us the very next day, and with a Bible as he required. We spend about an hour with him as he asked questions concerning God and Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit gave us utterance to teach Beharie. Please pray for his salvation for he is seeking Truth!
Please also check out the photograph journal by clicking the photo hereunder and do join us in praying for the souls reached that they will come to repentance and faith in our great God Jesus Christ the Righteous. Day 14 ~ March 7, 2013 (Photos 167-176) and Day 15 ~ March 8, 2013 (Photos 177-198)
Mission Act 1.8 Statistics 15

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Mission Act 1:8 ~ Days 12 and 13

We have not been out for six days as we have, by God’s grace, been moving home from the simplex that we lived in at Ivy Gardens in Bellevue to a flat across town in the suburb of Pelham. We are now placed in a new part of our Lord’s harvest and we look forward to experiencing what God has in store according to His will and for His glory alone! The place we find ourselves in is in a residential area that has many buildings of flats (apartments) which opens the door to much evangelism. We look forward to this new adventure of preaching Christ Jesus in this new environment and being a faithful witness for God’s glory alone!
Yesterday and today Brother Aziz and I experienced two hot days of 32°C (90°F), and by God’s grace we were able to canvass large areas getting the Word out into the remaining streets of Hayfields. This completes two suburbs as we press on for the Word of God and the testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Had some short conversations yesterday where we shared briefly the Gospel with some Zimbabwean vendors named Charles and Adams selling their wares on the roadside in Blackburrow Road and their friend named Olivia. They professed to be believers, but will examine all things contained in the Gospel Tract! Later we also had a discussion with a young woman named Luanda (?) who approached us as we entered the Hayfields Mall. Luanda seems to be a believer, who is not Jewish, but holds to the Sabbath days and feasts and calls herself, if I understood her correctly, an Hebrew. She is non-denominational which is good, but she now holds to the Jewish days and says we have to hold to them too! We were told that she would send us an email with ‘much information’ and we do look forward to receiving the same so we can address the issues at length. If any evangelists have encountered persons of this description and have any other information pertaining to gentile people that ‘believe’ along these Hebrew-lines, please share with me.
Incidentally, I have visited the Hayfields Mall on many, many, many occasions to do some shopping and have even handed out Gospel tracts at the tellers and given some to patrons and as I was dressed I have never been told I was not welcome at the centre. (There’s a reason for this statement). This even after I had on another occasion preached Jesus Christ and Him crucified before the centre management said I could not do so. Yesterday, it showed the hatred of the cross and our Lord Jesus Christ for as I walked through the parking lot a car-guard told me that I could not be there with the cross and after telling him that my car was parked in the lot on the other side the building – which it was – on passing through a court yard and being approached by Luanda, a security guard approached me because I was carrying a cross, for he said so. He tried to terminate the conversation, but I advised him that I would continue the conversation as I was approached by this woman and it would be rude to leave without speaking to her and also there was no one who had lodged a complaint. He was more concerned about doing his job to satisfy the centre management, yet he said he believes in God. I soon found out that although the demons tremble before God, this man did not fear God. He was reminded that the centre management and he will stand before God on Judgment Day – he took a tract and the conversation continued to conclusion when a call came in for me on my cell phone! This incident shows that you are welcome by the centre management (who are Muslim, if the same has not changed from the last incident) to come and spend your money on groceries, but just don’t go to the Hayfields Mall carrying a wooden “Are You Ready” cross!!! You will not be welcome!!!
Today, many Gospel tracts were handed out again. They included about 32 tracts that were placed in a post box at a children’s’ crèche with instructions to the minders to hand them to their parents.
There was also a sign that appeared alongside the roadside that read: “JESUS IS LORD READ THE BIBLE”. This sign has been here for a long while and had been desecrated by some evil wicked person(s). On the very day that we were in the area where this sign appears it was strange that we took the first photo at 09:49am and the sign was removed as appears in a photo taken at 12:13pm!
We also had some sweet fellowship with a Brother named Ed White on Albert Oliff Road that was encouraging! He fellowships and worships at Global Harvest home church in Hilton.
Please also check out the photograph journal by clicking the photo hereunder and do join us in praying for the souls reached that they will come to repentance and faith in our great God Jesus Christ the Righteous. Day 12 ~ March 5, 2013 (Photos 151-156) and Day 13 ~ March 6, 2013 (Photos 157-166)
Mission Act 1.8 Statistics 13